Executive Forum & Dinner, March 2024

Executive Forum & Dinner, March 2024

21 March, 6:30pm - 10:00pm

The Swedish Ambassador's Residence, 27 Portland Place, London W1B 1QA

This event is invitation only

The Executive Forum & Dinner at The Swedish Ambassador's Residence is one of the Chamber's most exclusive events series, dating back to the 1990s. The purpose of the Forum is to gather senior business leaders from within the network to create new bonds and synergies.

Not since World War II has the macro environment been a bigger driver of business performance than it is today – from renewed geopolitical tension to policy uncertainty to volatile macro-economics. How can businesses thrive in this environment, preparing for different scenarios without making excessive – and expensive – bets on outcomes that may not materialise? In this discussion, Mats Persson and RT. Hon. Douglas Alexander will look at the complex global marketplace through the lens of both one-off disruptive events and more fundamental trend shifts, sharing best practice for how business can plan for both.

Booking information

Please note that this event is by invitation only.

For any questions or enquiries, please contact the events department at events@scc.org.uk.


Mats Persson

Mats Persson
Partner, EY UKI and former Chief of Staff to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and former Special Advisor to the Prime Minister

Rt. Hon. Douglas Alexander

Rt. Hon. Douglas Alexander
Visiting Professor at King's College London,Visiting Professor at New York University (Abu Dhabi). Council Member of the European Council on Foreign Relations; Trustee of the Royal United Services Institute; Governor of The Ditchley Foundation; General Court Assessor University of Edinburgh Court; Member of the UK Privy Council. Senior Advisor to TPG (The Rise Fund/TPG Rise Climate). Senior Advisor to EY, and Kaya Partners and Strategic Advisor to Pinsent Masons.

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