Evening Talk on Women in Business

Evening Talk on Women in Business

6 March, 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Carnegie Investment Bank , 26 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1DS

This event is sold out

Welcome to this Evening Talk on Women in Business hosted by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in the UK at Carnegie Investment Bank in Central London. The evening invites you to a discussion on female leadership. The aim is to share ideas and inspire further initiatives that challenge traditional conventions within the business world and can smash the enduring barriers against equality. The evening will finish off with a celebratory networking session - as a salute to International Women's Day #InspireInclusion Come join us for the evening!  


About Evening Talks

The SCC’s Evening Talks invite business leaders to talk about current and relevant business topics for intimate groups with the purpose of gaining intangible business knowledge from across a variety of sectors.


Booking information

SCC member price: Free
YP member price: Free
Non-member price: £30


Terms & Conditions 

Bookings are non-refundable, but at the discretion of the organiser, you can change the name of the person attending. For this, please contact events@scc.org.uk.


Madis Kabash, Bloomberg

Madis Kabash, Bloomberg
Madis Kabash leads the Bloomberg Women's Community for EMEA and works on the Weekly Documentary team for Bloomberg Originals - the video division of Bloomberg News. The BWC community works on creating more transparency around issues surrounding women's health and wellbeing and actively creating allies to help elevate women. As a journalist she has covered global conflict zones and found her way into journalism through directing a documentary on gender inequality in her home country Kazakhstan.

Sarah Schaefer, Vice-President Sustainability

Sarah Schaefer, Vice-President Sustainability
Sarah Schaefer leads sustainability for business area Europe for Electrolux Group. She previously held senior leadership roles in sustainability both at Unilever and Mars. Prior to that she was a Special Adviser in the British Government for David Miliband, first at the Department for the Environment and then the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Malin Svahn, Saab UK

Malin Svahn, Saab UK
In her role as Vice President and Director for Saab UK Innovation Programmes, Malin is responsible for collaborations between Saab and UK universities, industry and government research representatives to identify and engage Saab UK in innovative research projects supporting Saab long term growth strategy in the UK. Malin has experience from leading marketing and sales roles in industries with high technical and commercial complexity, and experience in strategy and market planning at Corporate Group level.

Lena Österberg, Carnegie Investment Bank

Lena Österberg, Carnegie Investment Bank
Head of Sustainability Strategy & Advisory and Global Head of Research, Carnegie. Member of the Technical Expert Stakeholder Group on SMEs, DG FISMA European Commission. MSc Business Administration, Stockholm School of Economics, Universität St. Gallen.

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