Investor AB
Investor is a Nordic-based industrial holding company founded almost one hundred years ago by the Wallenberg family. Today we have investment activities in Europe, the United States and Asia.
The business concept is to generate long-term attractive returns for our shareholders by owning and developing companies with solid potential for value creation. We are an engaged owner and apply experience, knowledge and a unique network to develop listed and unlisted companies to make them best-in-class.
Our goal is to generate a total shareholder return (sum of share price change and dividend) in excess of market cost of capital over a business cycle.
The portfolio is diversified with both listed and unlisted companies within sectors such as technology, healthcare, engineering and financial services. We are organized into three business areas: Core Investments, Operating Investments and Private Equity Investments. With our solid financial position we will increase the Operating Investments, strengthening our ownership in selected Core Investments and continuing to develop our Private Equity Investments.
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